Before electronic gas detectors, coal miners had to rely on other methods to detect dangerous gases in the mines. One of the most effective methods was to bring canaries into the mines with them. In this video, we explore the fascinating history of the canary’s role in mine safety and how it saved countless lives.

As small and fragile as they were, canaries were surprisingly good at detecting harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and methane. The miners would bring a canary in a cage and watch for signs of distress or death. If the canary stopped singing or fell off its perch, it was a clear sign that the air was unsafe and the miners needed to evacuate immediately.

#shortsvideo #MineSafety #Canary #CoalMining #DeadlyGases #History #FascinatingFacts #SafetyMethod #MinersLife #Evacuation


Mine Safety,Canary,Coal Mining,Deadly Gases,History,Fascinating Facts,Safety Method,Miners Life,Evacuation,Carbon Monoxide,Methane,Underground World,Feathered Companions,Electronic Gas Detectors